Brief Insight AboutTraumatic Brain Injury & Support Group Role for Rehabilitation

Brain Injuryis a sudden brain damage that may be caused due to violent jolt or when an object penetrates the skull. TBI can be categorized by the severity of injury such as Mild, Moderate or Severe TBI. Participating in this group is a great step towards healing. Support Groups provide you various benefits such as new ways to improve coping skills, social skills and many more.

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Open Head Injury and Close Head Injury are the two types of injuries that may occur TBI. The common causes of such injuries include falls, motor vehicle crashes, sports injuries, or when an object such as a bullet or weapon pierces the skull. Mild TBI can be treated with proper rest and medication but Moderate to Severe TBI may require life intensive care, lifesaving surgeries and rehabilitation therapies to recover and relearn skills. Stroke Support Group is designed to offer support and guidance to the survivors/loved ones/caregivers of brain injury.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a brain injury that may occur due to physical external force and can affect the functionality of the brain. TBI is also known as Intracranial Injury. TBI is classified on the basis of severity.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI is categorized in 3 types :

1. Mild TBI or Concussion

2. Moderate TBI

3. Severe TBI

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury can appear instantly after the traumatic incident or it may take a few days or weeks to show symptoms.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of TBI based on its severity :

Symptoms of Mild TBI

The symptoms of Mild TBI include:

● Headache

● Dizziness

● Faintness

● Fatigue

● Lethargy

● Blurred Vision or Tired Eyes

● Lightheadedness

● Light and Smell Sensitivity

● Change in Sleep Patterns

● Change in Behavior or Mood

● Trouble in Thinking, Concentrating, or Attention

● Memory Problems

● Ringing in the ears

● Bad taste in mouth

Symptoms of Moderate or Severe TBI

The symptoms of Moderate or Severe TBI include:

● Severe Headache

● Dilation of the pupil

● Slurred Speech

● Extreme Irritability

● Coma

● Paralysis

● Seizure

● Loss of Coordination or Consciousness

● Vomiting or Nausea

● Restlessness or Agitation

● Convulsions

● Numbness or Weakness in arms and legs

● Inability to Wake up

Reasons of TBI

TBI can happen due to two main injuries which are:

1. Closed Head Injury

If there is a violent blow, jolt, or bump to the head then it can cause Closed Head Injury.

Reasons of Closed Head Injury

Some of the common causes that may occur closed head injury are:

● Motor Vehicle Accidents

● Being hit by an object

● Falls

● Sport Injuries

● Child Abuse

● Blast Injury due to explosion

4. Penetrating Head Injury or Open Head Injury

When an object pierces the skull it causes Open head injury. When a bullet penetrates the brain it can cause Penetrating Head Injury.

Causes of Penetrating Head Injury or Open Head Injury

Some of the common causes that may occur open head injury are:

● When an object such as a bullet or a weapon penetrates the skull.

● A severe head injury due to which a bone fragment penetrates the skull.

Diagnosis of TBI

To diagnose TBI, a health care provider may perform any of the following:

● Check the symptoms and type of injury

● Imaging Tests - MRI or CT Scan

● Neurologic Exam

● Blood Test

● Neuropsychological Tests (An assessment of how well a person’s brain is functioning)

● Glasgow Coma Scale (A clinical scale that is used to measure a person’s level of consciousness after a brain injury).

Treatment of TBI

The treatment of TBI depends on various factors such as its type, size, severity, and location of brain injury.

Treatment of Mild TBI

The effects of Mild TBI can be serious in some cases but usually most people fully recover from it in time. A person with Mild TBI requires minimal treatment.

The main treatment is taking proper rest and giving yourself time to heal. Follow your doctor’s instructions. Call your healthcare provider immediately if your symptoms are getting worse and you’re experiencing any new symptoms.

Treatment of Moderate or Severe TBI

The treatment of moderate or severe TBI may include:

● Medications

● Surgery

● Rehabilitation Therapies

Severe TBI can sometimes lead to lifetime disabilities, long term disability, permanent brain injury, coma, or even death.

Ways to prevent Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Follow these steps to prevent yourself from head injury or TBI:

● Wear a properly fitted helmet whenever you ride a bike, bicycle, ski, skate, or snowboard.

● Wear your seatbelts while driving a car.

● Use Booster Seats and Car Seats for your kids.

● Don’t drive if you’re dozy or under the influence of drugs, or alcohol.

● Try to prevent falls by making your house safer such as installing stair handrails and making stair safety gates for your younger kids.

● Stay active and do physical activities to improve your balance.

Stroke Support Group

Stroke Support Group offers innovative programs, counseling, and incredible services to the brain injury survivors and their families on their recovery journeys.

A support group ensures that you don’t have to go alone on your recovery journey.This support group provides survivors a safe place to connect with other brain injury survivors where they can share their own personal experiences and coping strategies. They bring together the survivors who are going through or have gone through a brain injury. Joining this support group is a great step towards healing.

Sometimes receiving comforting words from doctors and family are not enough for an individual. In such cases an individual wants emotional support from the person who is going through the same problem or has gone through it. Joining a stroke support group helps a survivor in many ways.

Being in a support group provides you an opportunity to share your personal story, struggles, and feelings with so many people at the same time.

This group is here to support the brain injury survivors with love and care no matter wherever they’re on their journey.The group provides emotional and practical support to the survivors.

Benefits of joining Stroke Support Group

Some of the amazing benefits of participating in stroke support group are:

● Lots of emotional support while going through difficulties.

● Ease the feelings of isolation, loneliness or being judged.

● Lots of practical support and resources to deal with the injury.

● Opportunity to grow through similar and shared experiences.

● Innovative Ideas to feel mentally and physically stronger.

● Reduces anxiety, depression, or fatigue.

● New ways to improve coping skills.

● Maintain a sense of empowerment and hope

● Manage Stress

● Reduce level of distress and discomfort

● Improved Social Skills

● Opportunity to openly express your feelings.

● Better Self understanding

● Great way to help others with your own personal experiences.

● Joining support groups is affordable.