Know About Different Kinds of Addiction & Its Cure

The following blog gives brief information about a leading center that offers addiction treatments. The treatment programs guide the former user through a safe and effective medical detox. The center provides addiction and mental health care at various locations nationwide.

First, let me explain what addiction is. Addiction is frequently compelled to indulge in behavior that offers short-term relief but long-term damage in any area of your life. The critical word here is compelled.


Addiction is a difficult challenge to overcome. Not because the addictive behavior is brutal to break once the addict realizes they have an addiction, but because addiction is shrouded in denial, preventing the addict from seeing their behavior.


Denial Period 

The addict creates denial to protect them from the loss they perceive they will endure if they give up the addictive behavior or substance. Perceive is an important word here because the addict does not gain anything from their addiction. Instead, their addiction gradually and systematically destroys every area of the addict's life left the addiction. As each area of the addict's life is slowly destroyed, the addict clings more and more to the addiction because the addiction is perceived to be a pleasure. Addiction can break the cycle of the thinking that keeps the addict entangled in the cycle. So the best news is addiction can be overcome more straightforwardly than we all think possible.


First, let us explore addiction itself. All addiction has the same roots regardless of the substance or behavior that makes up the addiction. So addiction can be substances such as alcohol, drugs, or food, or behaviors such as gambling or shopping. All addictions serve the same purpose, which is to change the way the addict feels. All addiction is masking unresolved pain.

Different Feelings of Addictions It is how it works. The addict has the feeling. Now the feeling can be good or bad. The good feeling will lead the addict to enjoy. If they are addicted to food, they will enjoy other good habits. The alcoholic will have a drink. A gambler will treat himself to a bit of flutter. If the addict has a bad feeling, it will include n the addictive behavior to try and make themselves feel better. It is a paradox of addiction. One cure for all feelings! So, as the addictive behavior continues, it naturally gathers momentum and becomes a bigger and bigger part of the addict's life. In some cases, if allowed to continue, it becomes the only thing in the addict's life.

Emotional State of Addiction Addictions typically gather momentum for different reasons. The first reason is that the addict gains a reward from their addiction. It is never the case. If you enjoy something, you can participate in the activity and feel better for having done it afterward. An addict feels worse following the addictive behavior. A drinker will have a hangover feel guilty about the bills people have to pay; an emotional eater will feel guilty about their latest binge. As discussed earlier, addicts indulge in addictive behavior to change their emotional state. Once the bad feelings surface can latest indulgence, what is the first thing you think people will need to do? Yes! They will indulge once again in the addictive behavior to get rid of their unwanted feelings. It is a downward spiral. The second reason addictive behavior gathers momentum is that it is used as a coping mechanism but is used as a celebration (initially, anyway. Once the addiction takes a grip, there is no longer the need. Usually, if we are healthy and balanced, there are several ways to alter our emotional state. A few examples are taking a hot bath, meditating, reading, relaxing and watching a movie, chatting with friends, etc. The addict stops searching for new ways to resolve challenges and ease stress. Instead, they use their addiction for immediate gratification. It provides the addict with fewer and fewer coping mechanisms, such as addiction becoming a more significant part of their lives.

Navigate Your Life in Right Direction Addiction also has emotional pain. As you need to navigate life through the eyes of the addiction, you create more challenges for yourself. Your behavior creates feelings of helplessness and guilt. It has a prolific effect on your self-esteem, which needs to be medicated further with people's addiction of choice. You need to be kind to yourself. Try and think again to things that used to provide you pleasure. Addiction treatment center New York introduce those points back into your life. And don't torture yourself if you try to quit and then relapse; doing that will only make the journey more difficult.